Money transfers in the country and abroad | Cash Express Service

About us Western Union is a proven supranational company whose potential builds on 145 years of experience in the field of remittances. Since 2001, Cash Express Service EOOD, together with its...

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Turkey, China or USA - choose your country.

Send money with a transfer fee of BGN 13* at a more favorable exchange rate from the location situated in Sofia, 22 "Yuriy Venelin" str.

*Western Union makes profit from currency exchange.

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Send money from 5 BGN transfer fee*

for cash pick up with improved FX rates to selected European countries* and the United Kingdom in minutes***.
*FX gains apply.
**T&C apply.

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Send in minutes* to: Ukraine

Transfer fee** starting from: 3,99 BGN.
for cash pick up with improved FX rates.
*FX gains apply.

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Money transfer directly to a bank account!

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Money transfer with a chance to win!

From July 15 to August 31, send or receive money at Cash Express with Western Union to get a scratch card. Scratch the card and you could win a prize!

See terms and conditions
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We believe in better

Since 168 years our commitment is to continue to connect people through technology, to change as their needs change, to help them use their money to do good things

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Тogether we can achieve more

Become a representative of Western Union and Cash Express and expand your business.

Send money with a transfer fee of BGN 13* at a more favorable exchange rate from the location situated in Sofia, 22 "Yuriy Venelin" str.

*Western Union makes profit from currency exchange.

for cash pick up with improved FX rates to selected European countries* and the United Kingdom in minutes***.
*FX gains apply.
**T&C apply.

Transfer fee** starting from: 3,99 BGN.
for cash pick up with improved FX rates.
*FX gains apply.

From July 15 to August 31, send or receive money at Cash Express with Western Union to get a scratch card. Scratch the card and you could win a prize!

Since 168 years our commitment is to continue to connect people through technology, to change as their needs change, to help them use their money to do good things

Become a representative of Western Union and Cash Express and expand your business.

What we offer

Thanks to the mutual work of Western Union, Cash Express and our partners, for many years we have been able to provide to our customers fast, convenient and reliable opportunities for the money transfer services they have chosen.

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Money transfer from abroad to Bulgaria

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Money transfer from Bulgaria to abroad

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Money trasnfer from Bulgaria to Bulgaria

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Money transfer via mobile application

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Money transfer to bank account

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Calculate charges for sending money with Cash Express

Calculate charges for sending money in our office fast and easy. Use our calculator.

Transfer fee: {{ tax }} {{ currency.toUpperCase() }}

New Cash Express office

Dolna banya
Елена Where to find it


98, Targovska str.

tel. 0884806025

Nikolchova EOOD

Елена Where to find it


2, Vasil Levski str.

tel. 0876/388671

Georgievi Lom EOOD

Елена Where to find it


3, Petko Napetov str.

tel. 0878/326765

Timur 03 OOD

Елена Where to find it


28, Ilarion Makariapolski str.

tel. 0886/197103


Елена Where to find it


31, Batenberg str.

tel. 0898/433074

Kars Grup EOOD

Stara Zagora
Елена Where to find it


85, Musala str.

tel. 0893/515991

Zagora 20 OOD


Our advantages



In our locations you receive quick, correct and competent service.



We care for the security of our customers as well as our representatives.



More then 450 locations in over 180 places on the teritory of the country

Partners about us

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BOOB EOOD has been working with FH Cash Express Service EOOD since 2002 and so we have been together in one family for over 18 years. The beginning was difficult, but thanks to the perfect organization of Cash Express, perseverance, good work, care for each customer, fast and accurate service, we have attracted many customers who remain till now.

Boyko Obretenov
BOOB EOOD, city Razgrad
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Dear colleagues I am glad that we have been working together because you are incredible a great team of real people! I would like to say thank you for your humanity, professional manner, ethical attitude, and at last but not least for the help you give us every day!

Kamelya Ivanova
Moneykam EOOD, city Varna
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With Cash Express we have been partners for 18 years, from the very beginning. Wonderful team, great attitude, extremely accurate and correct! We wish them health and professional success!

Elena Kutseva and Georgi Kutsev
Gekomers EOOD, city Peshtera
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Thanks to FH "Cash Express Service" for giving me the opportunity for stable business and good business environment for its development, also my satisfaction to work with the whole team. Because of Cash Express and Western Union my business is growing upwards with each passing year and I have a stable income and security for the future. I recommend FC "Cash Express Service" as a fair partner with whom the road to success is guaranteed.

Hristo Stamenov
ET RIK Hristo Stamenov, city Kazanlak
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Cash Express is a partner with extensive experience and highly qualified employees. You can always count to resolve any case regarding Western Union services. You are great! Congratulations and good luck!

Nikolay Danev
FH Evro-city EOOD, Sliven
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On behalf of the entire team of RUM-Rumen Dimitrov EOOD, I would like to express our satisfaction with the long-term partnership with FH Cash Express Service EOOD, fulfilled with professionalism, trust and correctness in our joint work.

Rumen Dimitrov
RUM – Rumen Dimitrov EOOD, city Silistra
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"Great team! Be happy and healthy, and good luck! ”

Petyo Dimitrov
AD Creative Solutions”, city Vidin
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